Questions and Answers

What is a Space?

A Space is a designated area where you can organize your work. It can represent an organization, a department, or a product. You can create as many Spaces as you need, depending on your requirements.

Each Space includes Projects, Teams, and Documents. You can invite people to your Space to collaborate effectively.

What is a Project?

A Project is a collection of Boards, Documents, and Teams within a Space. You can create as many Projects as you need in each Space.

Each Project can contain multiple Boards, Documents, and Teams. You can invite people to collaborate on a Project.

What is a Board?

A Board is a collection of Tasks within a Project. You can create as many Boards as you need in each Project.

Each Board can include multiple Tasks. It has its own team settings and permissions. Boards offer different views: Cards, List, Milestones, and Gantt.

What is a Milestone?

Milestones are specific points in a project timeline that signify important events, deadlines, or achievements. They help track the progress of a project and ensure that key goals are met on time.

Each Milestone contains a list of tasks that need to be completed within its scope. You can track the progress of a Milestone based on the completion of these tasks. Additionally, each Milestone can be displayed as a Gantt chart, which helps in prioritizing and scheduling deadlines effectively.

What is Gantt?

A Gantt chart is a visual representation of a project schedule, displaying the start and finish dates of various elements of a project. It helps in planning, coordinating, and tracking specific tasks within a project.

In a Gantt chart, each task is represented as a bar, with the length and position indicating its duration and timing. This view allows you to see the project timeline at a glance, identify dependencies between tasks, and adjust priorities and deadlines as needed. Gantt charts are particularly useful for managing complex projects with multiple milestones and interconnected tasks.